Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania (2024)

ed though Only the art broke. of Americans being have EVENING prosperous master. Lebanon Daily News and The Lebanon Daily Times 92nd Year No. 310 LEBANON, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1964 of Entered Lebanon, second under class the matter Act at the March 3, postoffice 1179 Khanh Resumes Control In Viet Nam Take To Roads Estimate 590 May Die Over Holiday Weekend BY UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Millions Americans take to the nation's ways today for the start of the 78-hour Labor weekend, the last holiday of summer. The Safety Council estimates between 490 and 590 sons will die in traffic accidents.

The weekend officially begins at 6 p.m. local today and ends at midnight Monday. Firemen Protest Discontinuance Of Insurance The discontinuance of insurance coverage for paid firemen brought on heated arguments during a meeling of the Chemical Fire Company Thursday night in the fire hall. The Volunteer Firemen's Relief Association of the City of Lebanon created the issue through a recent change in bylaws, according to Wilson Coleman relief representative for the Chemical Fire Company. Frank Ceresini, president of the Chemical reported the change was made I in order that volunteer firemen may gain the full two per cent insurance coverage in the pension plan given by the state to all its fire fighting companies.

Ceresini pointed out that the 7 paid drivers in the city operate primarily from their own prirate union and are covered by insurance policies by their com.panies and the union. The VFRA announced only volunteer fire fighters will. be covered in the association's insurance program. The issue reportedly will be brcught before the City Council's next session in the form of a letter written by the Chemical Company. State Police At Full Strength Over Holiday HARRISBURG (UPI) The full state police force will be on duty over the long Labor Day holiday in an effort to keep highway accidents to a minimum.

State Police Commissioner E. Wilson Purdy said the closing of driver examination points from Friday through next Tuesday will permit the assignment! of 100 additional patrolmen to traffic duties. Special holiday patrols will start at 4 p.m., today and continue through 8 a.m., next Tuesday. Purdy said radar will be stationed i in conspicuous places and stationary patrols will be placed at strategic locations. Unmarked patrol cars, with headlights lit, will augment the fleet of identified police vehicles.

Purdy asked for the full cooperation of the public. "The police will be doing their part," he said. Fireman Stops For Java; Told He Has Fortune NEW YORK (AP) Fireman Richard Gregory Shaw, 34, was off duly Thursday night but; stopped by the firehouse for a cup of coffee with the boys and learned he is heir to 000. The moncy was left in trust to Shaw by Bushnell Dimond, al New York writer who died, last June 6. An attorney has been trying to find Shaw and the New 'York Daily News ran a story Thursday in the form of an open letter to Shaw.

"Hey! is this you?" firemen greeted Shaw when he stopped at the firchouse. Shaw grabbed the newspaper and learned of his fortune. Shaw remembered striking up (Continued on Fake Eighteen) Keystone Gun Club PICNIC SUNDAY, SEPT. 6 MT. WILSON MEMBERS ONLY THE WEATHER Central Penna, Fair and mild tonight.

Low 65-70. Satur. day fair, hot and humid. High 36-94. 24 PAGES -SEVEN CENTS 1 10, UPI-Daily NEWS Faesimile.

WILD MELEE Police break up a wild melee during a hearing of the House Un-American Activities subcommittee Thursday in Washington, D.C., on unauthorized student travel to Cuba. Police at left grapple with Lon Dunaway (hidden on floor), a member of the American Nazi Party, who jumped on the witness table and attempted to throttle witness, Morton Slater, of New York City (not shown). Slater denounced the subcommittee's investigation at the. time of the attack. Brief Ruckus Occurs During Travel Hearing WASHINGTON investigators small army their ability Nazi party tain order dent Despite, sizeable Thursday, ber sparked ruckus in the House American (UPI)- House counted today on a of policemen and to spot American members to mainat hearings on to Cuba.

the, presence of a contingent of police a Nazi party mema brief but wild the hearing room of Committee. on UnActivities. A police official said his men would screen all persons attending. today's session. He said they hoped to identify any Nazi party members and keep them' out of the hearing room.

Additional security precau-! tions were taken as the committee scheduled its second day of hearings into an unauthorized trip to Cuba this summer by 84 American youths. Thursday's incident developed when the Nazi, identified as Lon Dunaway, 28, Arlington, (Continued on Page Twenty-four) Cily Speed Traps Net Arrest Of 45 Drivers Police Commissioner A. W. Corbin this morning that 45 motorists have been arrested for speeding since the city began! a. crack-down on speeders about two weeks ago.

Fines for speeding are $10 plus costs of prosecution. Speeders also face a possible suspension of driving license, depending on the rate of spced. Corbin said the specders are! being arrested in a number of speed traps put into operation at various locations in the city. The most effort is being concentrated, Corbin said, on 1 North Ninth Street, North Tenth Street and East Lehman Street. Heavy Jet Traffic Due To Training Exercise MIDDLETOWN, Pa.

(AP) Officials at Olmsted Air Force Base Thursday night attributed the unusual amount of jet traffic over the midstate area to an Air Defense Command training exercise. F106 jet fighters, operating in and out of Olmsted, were taking part in a defense exercise involving air bases all along the Eastern seaboard. The exercise, officials said, could be expected to continue through tonight. air maneuvers are held during the year, usually every three to six months. $2.50 Per Work Day Small Mileage Charge Rents A Hertz Car 273-4541 Chilean Vote Will Effect Latin Nations Winning President Will Be Veering Strongly To Left SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) vote today for a president, and their ballots may have a profound effect 011 Latin American politics.

No matter who wins, this copper rich country in which millions of American dollars have been invested will be veering to the left. Thursday night, only hours before the voters went to bed, the Communist Party already! was talking as if its candidate, Socialist Sen. Salvador had won. Communist Party chief Luis Corvalan told a news understand- he hoped a "mutual ing" could be reached for a gov. ernment takeover of the giant U.S.

companies that produce 90 per cent of Chile's copper. Corvalan said the amount of compensation In the companies would be "secondary." Allende, 56, is opposed by another senator, Eduardo Frei, 53, who is a member of the Chris- tian Democratic Party and a moderate leftist. He favors more state control over owned companies, but also says he wants to encourage more U.S.. investments. Political experts figured Frei might win by a narrow margin.

The U.S. copper companies are Anaconda and Kennecott. Chile's telephone and electric companies also are U.S. The total number of ballots is expected to be around 2.5 lion. The polls close 3 p.m.

(Eastern Standard Time) the outcome should known within a few hours. The new president will take office Nov. 4 for a term. He will replace Jorge Al- essandri, a middle-ofer who is barred by the Constitution from another term. 5 Teen-Agers Killed When Car Crashes Pole ALFORD, Mass.

killed Five teen-agers were and another was injured critically late Thursday night when their car flipped over, broke in half and was hurled against a pole a tree. Stale police identified the dead as: William Seward, 17, Great Barrington; Carol Hendrick, 16, Monterey; William, Sigsworth, Great. Barrington; Ronald Decker, 17, Great Barrington and Timothy Donovan, Great Barrington. In critical condition at Fairview Hospital in Great Barringlon was Marlene Hendrick, 18- year-old sister of the dead Hendrick girl. Marlene suffered internal and back injuries.

It was the second death car accident in Massachusetts Thursday. Four children were killed when a car collided with a truck in Pea-. body. Police said the accident here occurred when which the six teen-agers were riding veered off East Alford Road on a slight curve and hit a utility pole. CHURCH WINS DISPUTE SAN JOSE, Calif.

(UPI)--The Church of God won permission to build a new church in suburban San Martin despite objcctions by the owner of a neighboring dog kennel, who said he feared the hymn singing would bother his dogs. "It might slart my dogs howling," kennel owner John Mazzullo told the Santa Clara County Planning Commission, AUTO GLASS 25th W. Cumb. 5t STAGER'S Dial 273-4508 SERVICE ON TV APPL. SERVICE CENTER Bob Hoch 273-4568 Book Your Banquets Now.

Dutch Diner 501 E. Main Palmyra Ph. 438-1397 Groups from 6 to 160 served family or plate styfe. Open 24 Hours Daily Maneuvering Ends Strongman Back As Boss After Series Of Talks highDay National pertime In a pre-holiday accident, four children of a Livermore Falls, Maine, family which set out early for a Labor Day weekend visit with relatives were burned to death late Thursday when their car burst into flames after colliding with a trailer truck near Peabody, Mass. The safely council said as many as 23,000 persons will suffer disabling injuries in mobile accidents during the weekend.

The council said about 430 persons would die on the highways if the period were not a holiday. Prepare For Rush State police and law enforcement officers across the nation! girded for the exodus of travelers from the cities. California announced an usual word-of mouth traffici safety campaign for the weekend in an attempt to prevent a repeat of the disastrous July holiday in which the state corded 84 highway deaths. Gov. Edmund G.

Brown said the heads of all 22 gas and oil producing and distributing corporations in California have been asked: to' instruct their motorists to burn their head(Continued en Page Twenty-lour) service station attendants 1 to alert motorists to traffic conditions. "A parting word from them, asking the driver to watch out for fast or heavy traffic on the road, can help to put motorists on their best driving Brown said. Members of the California Trucking Association have also been asked to stop and telephone the highway patrol whenever they observe an apparent drunk driver or reckless motorist. To Burn Headlights In Indiana, the State Traffic Safety Foundation urged all Co. Registration Not Up To 1960 are not taking advantage of the special registration sessions held in the county during July and August as they did during the same period in 1960.

Seventeen special sittings held in July and August of year netted only 750 new voters. In the 1960 Presidential year, only 11 special sittings were held but a total of 835 voters registered in the same two-month period. The Lebanon County registraoffice reports that people Special sittings held this week were as Tues-' day at the Lawn Fire House, 23 Republicans and six Democrats; Wednesday at the Bellegrove Fire 23 Republicans and nine Democrats, and Thursday at the Quentin Fire 11 Republicans and eight Democrats. Only six full days remain to register before the Sept. 14 deadline.

Four special sessions remain: Today at the Palmyra Shopping Center until 9 p.m.; Tuesday at the Lickdale fire hall; Wednesday at the Keystone Fire House in Myerstown, and next Friday at the Municipal Building from 9 a.m. to p.m. The registration office the Municipal Building is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and until noon on Saturdays.

The fice is closed Labor Day. Sharks, Seals Pose Hazards SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (UPI) Trying to paddle surfboard 446 miles from San Francisco to Los Angeles has its share of. hazards take it from Larry Capune, 22, who is attempting to do it. "I see sharks every day," he said.

"Today there were some seals that tried to knock me. over, but they were just playing." 3 SAIGON, South Viet Nam (UPI) -Prime Minister Nguyen Khanh announced today that he has resumed control of the government. Khanh told a news conference he once again was (in charge of affairs because of "popular demand." His decision came at the end of six days of political maneuvering with Buddhist leaders and powerful army generals. Khanh had stepped aside temporarily last weekend after almost a week of rioting in which about three-score persons were killed and many injured. He went to the mountain resort Bible Study Fund Receives $176; Total Is $1,880 Paul Kohr, treasurer of the Bible Study Fund, reports that the current fund total for instituting a Bible sludy course in the Cornwall-Lebanon Suburban Joint School System is $1,880.

Kohr said that $54 was contributed by live persons Thursday and $122 has heen contributed by 10 people 50 far today. Contributions range from $1 up, he said. No definite quola has been set for the fund drive but it is estimated that expenses for setting up the course will amount to al(most $2,000 and legal expenses may run as high as $25,000. Contributions are being cepted at the First National Bank in Lebanon. Checks should be made payable "Bible Study Fund" and delivered mailed to the bank.

Co. Jail Outmate Out, Is Apprehended A Berks County man who failed to return to the Lebanon County prison Wednesday from his. place of employment was apprehended Thursday night by stale police from Reading. Lebanon County Probation Officer Peter P. Salus said that Lloyd Donald Brandt, 29, Womelsdorf RD 1, assigned to started the work outmate work project, Wednesday at a poultry processing plant in Fredericksburg.

Salus said Brandt worked until noon, Wednesday, left the plant but, failed to return to jail in the evening. Brandt was serving 2 to 5 years on a charge of forgery. He was committed to the caunty prison June 12. He was returned to Lehanon about 10 p.m. Thursday.

MUST WEAR SHOES LISBON, Portugal (UPI) The Lisbon city government told citizens today to put on their shoes or go to jail. The government said anyone caught walking around barcfoot out of doors would be liable to fines of 20-100 escudos (70 cents to $3.50) and jail terms of three 15 days. Earns $85,000 While Posing As Physician DETROIT (AP) Authorities are checking today into the background of a man who they said earned some $85,000 while posing as a physician for four years. Michigan Atty. Gen.

Frank Kelley Thursday termed the case "one of the most fantastic stories of deception in the state's medical history." Kelley said the man, Thomas M. Novak, 29, of suburban Livonia, had no medical degree. "Apparently he picked up all his medical knowledge by visiting different medical Kelley said. The attorney general said Novak was tripped up after he recently applied insurance as a policy. physician; No record of Novak's docior's certilicate was found.

Kelley said. Kelley said Novak, graduate of Detroit's Chadsey (Contiased on Page Tire) He went to the mountain resort of Dalat for a "rest." but returned Thursday. Following series of talks with key Buddhists and military leaders, he announced he once again was taking over. Civilian Government Soon However, Khanh, who is an army major general, also disclosed that his government would step down at the end of two months time and turn powover to civilians. He said the other army officers in his cabinet already had.

turned in their resignations, and that he was ready. to flow suit when the two months are up. Meanwhile, ho will be able reassume positive direction the U.S. war against the Communist Viet Cong guerrillas and attempt to start nation on a path of stable government and reform. But Khanh said a a member junta of generals was in business as a.

"national steering committee." The group is made up Khanh, Gen. Duong Thien Van Minh Khiem. and Khanh Gen. Tran wand Minh are Buddhists, Khiem a Catholic. Together, they represent a balance tween the contending Buddhist (Continued on Page Twenty-four) Hold First Conference County Police Officers Told Traffic Fatalities Doubled In 2 Yrs.

Here Motor fatalities are on the 1961, 14 persons lost their traffic accidents. In 1963, the stu-reached 26. These figures were brought out of county law enforcement officers noon at the Treadway Inn, The conference was the first of by the district attorney's office for officers. R. Hart Beaver, assistant the session which dealt of traffic fatalities.

increase.in lives as the result highway death toll at a conference Thursday aftera series planned all county police district attorney, with investigation The topic of discussion was the state-proposed program to compile. traffic accident information through an electronic processing system. Its purpose would be to decrease fatal accidents. Use of the equipment, howlever, still is a couple of years away. Views of particular problems involved in determining the "why" of fatal traffic accidents and of investigation were aired by Joseph V.

Galati, traffic engineer from the State Department of Highways, Lt. Philip F. Chulick of the Pennsylvania state police, Reading, and Dr. H. W.

Reed, deputy coroner of Lebanon County. It was Galati who reported on the number of fatal acciIdents in Lebanon County. The compuler plan may eliminate accident prone and permit authorities to get them off the highways, he said. Galati, representing the research and studies branch of the Bureau of Traffic Engineerling, said that a data compuling system is in the offing and will revise the current system of accident reporting. According to Galati, the processing of accident dala by computers would consolidate information on why accidents occur and who causes them.

(Continued on Page Five) Two In Hospital After Crash Near Annville An Annville RD 2 man and a Cleona girl were injured about 7:30 a.m. today when a car and a station wagon collided at the intersection of Legislative Route 38001 and Route 934, about three miles north of Annville. Admitted to the Good Samaritan Hospital was John F. Moore, 11 72, Annville RD 2, driver of the 19 car. Treated at the same hospi23 tal was Miss Carol Fasnacht, 18, 204 W.

Walnut Cleona, driv6 er of the stalion wagon. 2 Moore, whose condition was 2 reported as satisfactory, suf14 fered cuts of the scalp, 18 (Continued on Fig Ire) Hot, More Humid Weather In Store Sen. Everett M. Dirksen Senator Dirksen Will Speak At Co. GOP Dinner Sen.

Everett McKinley Dirksen, organ-toned Senate minority leader, will he the speaker at the Lebanon County Republican Committee's fund-raising banquet to be heid in the sonic Hall, Oct. 21. Isaac M. Long, GOP county chairman, said that the com-1 mittee has been trying to get the 68-year-old Dirksen to speak at the $10-a-plate dinner since last January. "It was through the efforts of Cong.

John C. Kunkel and U.S. Sen. Hugh Scott that we finally got him pinned down (Continued on Page -four) Unday in the News Amusem*nts 10, Area Classified .20, 21, 22, Comics 8, Editorial Financial Obituaries Sports 10, 13, Womew's Page 17, Warmer and more humid weather is in store for the county tonight and Saturday. Temperatures were expected to reach the high 80's today and may touch 94 Salurday.

It will be fair and mild tonight with a low between 65 and 70 degrees. Temperatures averaged low normal Thursday for the second straight day. The high was 83 and the low last night was 52. Saturday will be fair, hot and humid with a high of 86 to 94. There is a chance of scattered thundershowers in mountain areas late in the day or at night.

Five-Day Forecast Temperatures during the fiveday period from Saturday through Wednesday are expected to average two to seven degrees above normal. It will be cooler Sunday and Wednesday and generally warm during the remainder of the period. fall, totaling .1 to .5 inch, is (Continued on Pare Twenty- four) Child, 3, Is Injured Darting In Car's Path A 3-year-old child was injured about 4:45 p.m. Thursday when she let go of her mother's hand and darted into the path of a car at 345 N. Second Ave.

The youngster, Tammy Louise Hartman, Lebanon RD 2, was treated at the Good Samaritan Hospital for abrasions of the left knee and arm. Officer James B. Frick identified the driver of the car as Harry E. Dissinger, 40. 337 E.

Mifflin St. Dissinger was traveling north on North Second Avenue at the time of the mishap. Mrs. Ericus Hartman told police she and her daughter were standing on the west sidewalk of North Second Avenue when suddenly Tammy broke away from her and darted into the street. Mrs.

Hartman said she called the child back but she was already in front of Dissing. er's car. Hartman Dissinger call said and he brought heard Mrs. his car to a stop immediately. Lebanon Association of Independent Insurance Agents will be Closed Sept.

5 Sept. 7.

Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania (2024)


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