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11 II ipfM 1 32 Sun Oct 21 IP62THE PLAIN DEALER92 Westlalf Avon Avon Lake Olmsted Olmshd all nweWMMRHBT Tk ssf ilk BEST LOCATION IN PARMA 6201 54th ST 34 OR 5 BEDROOMS $21990 TO $28300 Sr Ji iw li JPP MW Kr wwpbww ha OUR STORY IN A NUTSHELL Inncenic North Olmated Excellent shopping facilities modern schools and churches public transportation 80 ft frontage with concrete streets and curbs reinforced con crete sidewalks and full concrete drives with aprons eatures available include Paneled Recreation Room Elegant Provincial Cabinets 2 Car inished Garage Reinforced Concrete Side walks Large 7 and 8 oot Closets Clay Tile Baths and Shower ormica Vanities Brick and rame Exteriors Architectural divider or 4 bedrooms te OPEN UN I 9 Other Times kO'Lx great northirm shopping CENii tt Appointment 777 4400 SUN ONLY twWL TU 6 2600 ANYTIME SBH 4 itp a 5" I Model Home at 28391 Elder 113 Rial Estate Miscellaneous 1 1 3 Rial Miscellaneous 1 1 1 Salt arms and Aonagi available PUBLIC NOTICE 5 s'! xk BANK REPOSSESSED PROPERTIES A sS 119 Mortgages Bought Sold Call Sunday 1 to 5 DOWNTOWN LAND STREETSBORO 143 Trucks Trailers Parts DIESELS Water 'Public auction located I1 A miles north 1 a I Dnuta fifi rtrt OR SALE WESTLAKE AREA I PM fo 6 PM I i oaa manle THE CORVAIR sale year round cottage site in Rav Jenna with swimming dining been Til4 vale ranch club Membership is aTail full basem*nt nrr oil lurnace able to purchaser of lot if so desired new aluminum siding and storm win ft 4 bcdroom Joe of OPEN MONDAY 4 7 PM As little SI 500 of these THE GRAND PRIX low as $6250 per month LAWRENCE Realty 20141 Lake Road ED 1 7200 Wholesale Prices LAKE RD WELLINGTON OHIO Rial Estate Loans 118 35 Miles rom Cleveland Gettig Equip Corp ACTORY BLDG 1 5400 HARVARD AVE ME I 01 16 Money Available WALKER HP Private unds NEW HOME across Cleveland 20 Ohio 1954 ORD Sy acton! $595 Asking 11 Crestwood CIRCLE SECOND MORTGAGES I 2000 Realty 497 I Ridg RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 07 get SK 1 1973 Security Mortgage Investment 608 Public Square Bldg MA 1 6155 1 1 1 Sale arms and Acreage TE 1 8000 106 brlckBRUNSWICK Rt'42 MIDDLEIELD or supply 1 mil road 115 Cottages Sites Resorts LOTS Acre are 632 2444 ER tobacco George farm acres herd I akc The masonry bulldin: char i or lease at attractive 7300 $2990 home living beach 00b hign NEW LONDON: 59 acres on Route 18 35 acres tillable Home needs work but sound and well planned Th tenant house consists of 3 bed rooms kitchen utility room bath 1962 budy 5 4 Mt Tv neeiio mu poi won i THt ClMlTU the At See 3 bedrooms double car garage landscaped lot city sewers and city gas paed roads Cfauca sandy loam i county 4 0 acres $14995 $13000 MODELS fishing Ideal $11995 $10200 $12995 $11300 $14995 $13500 ton extras 1957 CHEVROLET A pj 2 8340 1 acre lots $12395 $11000 See Strongsville Ad 77 15000 Sq Ground loor Near Superior and 30 van truck 2'ton condl non andjtres good WA 1 4819 2 homes out bldgs $22500 $6000 HINES REALTY Cambridge Springs Pa Phone: 4735 100x175 north of Water storm sewer :2 Lake Pd Avnn Tak :3 Edgewater Dr Sheffield Lake Bank Appraised BALANCE DUE RIDAY OCTOBER 26 1963 AT 10:30 A DST REAL ESTATE TO SELL AT 1:00 268 ACRE DAIRY ARM Approximately 810 of a mile frontage on TWP Road $292 1500 rontage on TWP Road 263 Over 100 acres tillable land 60 acres timber Balance pasture Real estate to be offered In two parcels and then together spring watered pasture with fences on good gravel road one to blacktop Good hunting: near fishing Usp it for recreation or tarrn If we can't foes charged on homes residential apartment commercial and business loans WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS SMALL OR LARGE LET OUR LONG EXPERIENCE HELP SOLVE YOUR INANCING PROBLEMS 30 YEAR GI AND HA LOANS i 116 area Zoned light industrial 7 lots with buildings TR 1 5348 TRADE sell land contracet mortgages Colonel Broker RA 1 9S00 PRIVATE funds available to make or buy mortgages CH 1 5177 PUBLIC AUCTION REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY On account of moving out of slatee the will tell cmr oer sonat property and real estate at public auction located in North Bloomfield Township 1 mile South and 2 miles east of North Bloomfield off Route 4ft on Twp road 292 approximately 14 miles North of Warren using Park Ave Ext and Twp Rd 263 118 Real Estate Loans 114 Sale actories Sites 1 14 Sale actories Si Bank Appraised BALANCE DUE 100 A Near Congress Lake 18 A Near Wtngfoot Lake 1 oz 142 60000 Sq Land 10 Acres OR SALE OR LEASE Call 477 or Your Broker 136 ACRES average buildings Thi is one of the good producers In the community and can be bought on land contract LIST WITH US QLESICK REALTY TU 4 5200 CASH OR YOUR PROPERTY HORIZON REALTY HI 2 8700 WANTED: Apartment Commercial and Residential Land 741 7400 Mead Jacoba Co Realtors SU 1 83 1 I SAY MUCH OR THE BUILDINGS The 1 1 1 acres of hemlock woods pas ture and fields with its scenic setting on the side of a high ridge make it well worth the price Two old houses two old barns one In fair condition: fair mile good beef 4 03 AVON BELDEN RD Between Lake and Walker Rds Avon and screens throughout $12995 $11000 90x40 bank barn with 40x60 ad Capacity 50 cows In main Ihir i Stanrhinns and water ciios in 1 Lake Rd Bay 75 ft front $6500 eluded 14x35 cement stave silo At :2 Lake Rd Avon Lake $2200 tached Grade A milk house Pickun lrukt Kcoultnc Vj ton PICKUP 8u00 ml Lt 1 2291 BY OWNER! Wil) sacrifice 2000 sq ft room all brick ranch: I1 baths family room central air conditioning nice porch and patio: fully landscaped: car peting and drapes 1820 Kathryn Dr 137500: make offer 871 5751 OUTSTANDING family home 4 twin tedmoms baths: 1 yr old fully has everything $38500 TR 1 3388 Bide Incataed near Inner Belt and zoned for manufacture storage or distribution Can be easily divided for 2 or 3 separate operations or i tenants if required Circle Invites YOU! OPEN TODAY 2 6 PM iENJOY THE ALL SETTING NATURAL BEAUTY Sanitary sewers and concrete roads 80 90 ft fronts Pleasant Valley Rd to McCreary to Vezber Dr Only 18 choice lots availabe some at 6500 1958 ORD ton Slop Van This truck offers you unlimited op portunities Priced al a low $595 NEARLY EVERYBODY KNOWS Tri level with 4 bedrooms baths family rocm: 2 rar tached garage Excellent nanclng docks Readily expandable Close I Rt IT and 21 Cloveileat jeeOT1 bo9d5y9lllLidS Leaci Rutbisn REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AT PUBLIC AUCTION On account of leaving the state we the undersigned will sell our per sonal property and real estate at her buildings include: large corn crib double garage tool building hgo house and hog pens shop and storage building Heidelberg Beach Nicely furnished yrar I bedrooms 2 baths large rnnm klfchpn dlnette: nrlvate nd boat dock Illness forces sale or more Information call or write Zietlow Realty TU 5 0311 5867 Elmore Dr Cleveland 30 100000 Sprinkler docks parking1 RR Good zoning ine offices Lease 10000 1 story brick near St Ulair 40 RR heavy zone Sprink 40000' near downtown park air conditioned docks power sprinklred Pearson Realty PR 1 3060 OR Sale or Lease all facilities of small light mfg shop well equipped including Heli Are Welding Very rea sonable lease plan Selig Mfg Co Marvsville Ohio 642 5796 eves 642 6501 lots: city water paved road etc Country Lane in Bainbridge: About 4 acres highly scenic heavily wooded secluded off private lane One Acre Lots in Chagrin School Dis trict Good building restrictions CH 7 667Q CH 7 8876 3 5 Widespread lats IO International AC182 Vans 1000 down bank financing I 1 960 Di amond model 93 I tilt cabs NH 1 95 I96I International BC 225D lax axle 220 Cummings 107000 actual miles (I) '58 Diamond model 923 Tandem COE sleep win buy your property Edgewood Realty AT 1 1331 CASH for your properly NortheasT BEACHLAND Reallor IV 1 7646 WE BUY sell your East Sid property for cash Realtor EV 1 7700 WE" BUY WEST'S! DE HOMES OHIO STATE Realtor AC 1 1600 (( ontiniird in xt Column) (Continued In Next (Column) Beautiful wooded lot and location with dow access to county oiain Rd this is an investment that will pay for itself or further call Sally Shannon CH 7 8272 for a tour of the lot and adjoining ranch club QUALITY LOTS lake and park TE 1 9558 LAKERONT LAND 200x4 75 can be used as 3 lots impnjvrnipijib in ISH BROKER MENTOR: acre well drained improvements eax paved roads i Yacht Club Golf Course reeway 3UU Hi ll to vvn uuo AURORA VILAGE Water ana Sewers $3500 UP COUNTRY DEVELOPMENT CO MA 1 0409 LO 2 3611 blds on 2 acres Truck dock and South central loca good title LUNCH ON GROUNDS Not responsible for accidents Oscar Weinstein Auctioneer Ph 632 7391 HAW THTR CTRTC STAN Auctioneer and Realtor Garrettsville Ohio MAHLON MAST OWNER NOTE: or detailed information or appointment to see property In ad vance of sale call Sltko Realty 527 2752 Garrettsville or LO 9 7401 HIRAM You should not miss the op portunity of bidding on this choice parcel of real estate OR SALE OR RENT Huron River frontage Private dock large 5 ronm cottage full basem*nt $6500 DAVIDSON REALTY MIDDLEIELD I IOS Sale Lots (Cnntinued rom Prrceeding Column) main hniise includes 4 bedrooms large nine room spacious living library plenty of closets 1 lJ'2 ton chassis and cab wheel base duals mechanically good tires Pcdy to work $50 down BY See the new Swiss Chalet frame model on display NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 2 to 6 pm 43 at 100 Grand Led: Mih 10 000 SQ 32000 sq ft of land zoned indus trial clear span air conditioned of fices overhead crane facilities Ann Darling PR 1 4372 Realtor Ashtabula Co arms 234 acre beef cattle farm Beautiful 4 bedroom home modern large new also an older farm and other bldgs Plenty of water Selling for about the value of buildings 43 ACRES: comfortable 7 room home and many other bldgs Every acre a good acre of garden soil Price $1 1500 terms 33 ACRES of level fertile soil: enough Christmas trees ready to harvest to pay of purchase price of $3000 Some village homes with small acre age Low prices easy terms JEERSON REALTY CO PHONES 2922 OR 1025 THURBER BROKER way Excellent site or sale or to lcase 50000 SQ Abutting Innerbelt BEAUTIUL RANCH STOP 58 ollow arrows from Park wiod Drive to Elect nc then west im maculate home spacious living room with beamed ceiling 1 wall has dark pineling: 3 fine bedrooms baths: divided basem*nt: double attached ca rage Under $25000 SEE CRAWORD CRAWORD GEAUGA COUNTY LOTS from 1 acre to 50 acres priced from S2000 up Located In CHES TERLAND MUNSON AND CHARDON RALSTON REALTY 'AV 2H5 2 houses both rented 40 acres 15 minutes from Chagrin alls $19500 STEPHEN KLINKO REALTOR UMLS 292 7650 ACRES of Pa'tKsvIVe $3 non wih $6nn rinwn or $2 200 for ra BC 7 9620 Approximately 222000 Sq AETNA BROADWAY AREA On approximately 0 acres general In dustrial area mostlv one story excel lent newer high clearance section ail cranes 12000 SQ OR LEASE OR SALE Downtown 2 story parking DOTTflP T'rtMr Dnrnl llfklV onn WH 4 1400 UU' 4 bcdroom ranch attached garage located on a wooded corner lot newly decorated paved roads city gas Bank Appraised BALANCE DUE 111 GOOD CONDITION 4 118 BROOKIELD MAY TPADE ON ARM STOP 57 Located close to schools churches bus: nice expansion Cape AciiH i 11 nn (3) '57 II 63 Macks (I) 61 Mack BANK INANCING LaPINE TRUCK SALES 130 Warner Rd Mi 1 4260 Consolidation Improvement Working Capital Business Expansion ca't of Parkman off Route 88 on I Hosmer Rd approximately 36 miles I fmm ripvriand 17 miles from Warren fl Parma Heights ion east of Pearl Rd SATURDAY OCTOBER 27 1962 AT 10:00 A DST Dol VHI coll fit 1 00 I 167 ACRE GRADE A ARM Approximately oOO ft frontage on: Route 88 over mile frontage on Homcr Rd 85 acres sandy loam till able land very productive balance pasture and an excellent sugar bush capacity 1400 palls This farm has one of the best tracts of timbtr tn southern Geauga county mostly rrrp a aisn i at re which could easily be enlarged are oetier man aveiagc 106 Sale Lots (Continued rom Proceed inr Column) Liberal Mortgage Loans TO COMBINE ALL BILLS AND LOANS TO PAY LAND CONTRACTS TO SETTLE LEGAL ACTIONS WRITE OR PHONE MARLBOROUGH Parma: 2 lots: rea aonable: to settle estate AT 1 5792 WESTLAKE Canterbury Rd: 92x175 water gas sewer 749 6592 GATES MILLS County Line Rd Choice 3 to 6 acre lots LO 1 5229 SHAKER Drummond Rd: BeautifullyW'1ed tot 150x150 LO 1 6737 Open 9 AM to 9 PM Sunday and Daily GA 1 8696 AUBURN 257 gently rolling acres Ideal lor cattle or horses 2 large homes barn and out bldg 3 springs Artesian well 6 miles of Chagrin alls available part or whole 117 acres wooded 175 per acre 23 acres 360 ft frontage Vi wooded $6900 93 acres 8 room home large barn stream 3 springs 2 Artesian wells several lake sites corner location bargain at $28000 40 acres with 5 acrp spring fed lake stocked with trout bass and bluegill Ideal picnic ground for club or or ganization $39000 NEWBURY 50 acres 4 bcdroom home and barn In excellent condition reduced to $32000 Nice selection in large or small acreage GULYAS REALTY CHAGRIN ALLS KI 3 5000 312 ACRES VACANT LAND INVESTMENT This massive piece ot land is one of the largest have listed in some time It is mostly wooded with a very wide stream running through it It has frontages on two roads and in one section Is over a mile deep Act fast only $18500 NEW HOME This new allotment 3 bedrootn home siding all gas with built in oven and range disposal and dishwasher Hard wood floors full deep basem*nt no dry wall Will be ready to move into in onr week Priced at a low Inw $13500 we believe This cannot be matched anvwhere We have business homes and vacant acreage please contact us Send for our free catalogue on farms THE MILLER REALTY COMPANY Realtors 34 North Chestnut Street Phone Jefferson 3355 Ashtabula County Sunday 1 6 PM Almost new repossessed ranch homes must be liquid ated immediately at fantastically low low prices This once in a lifetime real estate liquidation can save you thousands of dollars MONEY AVAILABLE or 1st and 2nd Mortgages (6 RATE AVAILABLE ON IS! Mortgages Bought and Sold WINDSOR MORTGAGE CO 1030 CITY BANK BIX)G MAl 3484 USE EQUITY OR THAT EXTRA MONEY YOU NEED Long terms low rate refinancing ALSO GI and HA 30 yr loans Available Lake County Mortgage Inc 944 7100 1ST 2D MORTGAGE LOANS CENTURY MORTGAGE CO 75 PUBLIC SQUARE MA 1 6878 1 story brick construction on 1 0sq it of land: dnve in door and celling will admit trailer EXCLUS IVE AGENT rui xzvti tached Garage plus extra garage with in Bath and Covered Patio enced 20 x40' Swimming Pool ALL THIS on I Acre Landscaped Setting MANY UNIQUE EATURES Under $30000 LAND WANTED Builder needs APARTMENT and COM MERCIAL land WILL PURCHASE OUTRIGHT or consider TRADE on prime Heights apt property Call EV 1 5520 Principals only please WE NEED IIOMES Lee Harvard area Mt Plcasant Shaker East Cleveland BUYERS waiting BLAKELY REALTY 11518 Kinsman Ave A newly decorated three bedroom ranch aluminum siding storm win dows and doors city sewers and gas Bank Appraised BALANCE DUE LINDBERG Blvd: Large wooded lots suitable for ranch split level or hill side homes ED 1 9223 LAKE front west 93x500 reason able ED 1 3673 ARMS STARK AND CARROLL COUNTIES 157 A Rt 44 Near Stark 1 Portage Line $37500 $40000 $14 son A Near Leesville Lake $19750 A Carroll County Near Palermo $17500 A Near Lamartine $10000 have a zood selection nf land suitable for arms Parks Lakesites Meveiupmem or just a place to away PARCEL no acres frontage on Twp Road 292 Good loam soil Better than average fences mostly woven wire Large tract of timber Buildings Including good 9 room house 4 bedrooms large kitchen with built in caDincts hot and cold water under pressure large living and dining rooms front porch with storm windows and screens full basem*nt asbestos siding and insulation Aluminum storm win dows and screens throughout Good well at house Other outbuildings are 36x72 bank barn with 23 stanchions 7 horse stalls I 2 box stalls drinking cups well water under pressure 12x34 wood stave silo 12x14 milk house 30x50 cement blocks chicken house with 20x32 attached tool building 32x32 sheep barn and1 additional grainery 3 bcdroom ranch home with attached garage storm windows and screens throughout sanitary and storm sewers city gas newly decorated $12995 $11895 2 bedroom completely decorated aluminum siding and storm windows beautifully landscaped lots city sewers and city gas Bank Appraised BALANCE DUE acre wooded lots private colony I YOU NEED MONEY I st and 2nd Mortgage Money Available to consolidate your bills or to help you refinance your present moriid ie or CHEVROLET 1J000 St Clair MUl 1700 1962 CHEVROLET Chassis and cab 1 75 ft wheel base model 6503: never titled: 12000 mile warranty can mount up to a 16' stake or van bndv 825x20 10 ply tires: 2 spced axle and all other heavy duty equipment necessary save hundreds of dollars $300 down 36 months to pav BLAUSH1LD CHEVY 16005 Kinsman WY 1 3 0 0 0 Call or write WALTER YOUNG REALTY 87 7 266 Hartville Become a Michigan anner 80 year old owner has resided on this 60 acres for the past 40 years now sonic energetic young man can take over for $6000! Attractive down pay ment of only $1200! Half tillable ideal tree farming setup pasture for handling about 30 head stock barb fencing On all weather road 32 miles frmndly hamkt URNISHED 5 roum 3 bedroom home electric lights full basem*nt: very good concrete block garage Treat yourself and family to a new way nf life for $6000 Only $1200 down takes immediate posses sion Big REE Illustrated ALL WINTER ratalog bargains coast to coast! UNITED ARM AGENCY 1380 CD Penobscut Bldg ort and Griswold St Detroit 26 Mich WOodward 1 6530 'TU 6 4500 Realty CL 2 79005589 PEARL I 7306 LORAIN I YOU want to PPt swav from it all tsummer or winter i or! fences ALL MR MILLER MARSI IALL IELD Ufin LLK YE 2 3800 1955 CHEVROLET SHAKER HEIGHTS Ideal for executive type of residence on Shaker Blvd near Attelboro $20000 JOSEPH LARONGE INCORPORATED 2124 Lee Realtors A 1 2535 INDEPENDENCE: 140x550 from 8108 Ston Rd 54500 kanna: Ridae $4200 135000 SQ MMcrn plant on acres 450 car parking Excellent trucking and rail road facilities Sprlnklered EXCLUSIVE AGENT Ostendorf Morris Co Realtors 861 7200 WE BUY ALL TYPES PROPERTIES OR CASH EDGEWOOD REALTY AT 1 1331 OR PROMPT EICIENT SERVICE LIST WITH: Roulhac Rcajty 1 6313 LOTS Commercial end Industrial Strekal Realty AN 1 2640 OLMSTED alls: 94 acres lot with a 4 room cottage bath gas furnace utility room: $16500 Call 671 7543 after 4 25043 Lake Rd Bay Village: over an acre of wooded bargain Mr Kal man AC 1 1241 WEST SIDE REAL 1 DUZ BEA UTT LL wnnd pri city water and gas: will build to suit' iinioerianp ur boion 1 jq PARCEL NO acres frontage on two roads 1500 ft on Twp Rd s263 Approximately 2630 ft deep This parcel has a good creek Possible lake site Some timber Should be de sirable to the developer or investment buver Both parcels to sell separately and then together and sells the way' its nets the most to lite owners You are invited to look over before sale day Individual bids will be accepted before sale day If you are unable to I attend sale Property will sell to the highest bidder TERMS ON REAL ESTATE: $3000 in cash or cashiers check on sale day balance on delivery of good title I LUNCH UN GROUWS Not responsible for Accidents I OSCAP WEINSTEIN Auctioneer rt OdZ 73Jll DAVE MILLER CLERK Auctioneer and Realtor' Garrettsville Ohio ELI A MAST OWNER 1 NOTE: or Detailed information ori appointment to see property in ad vance of sale call Sltko Realty 527 2752 Garrettsville or LO 9 7401 Hiram You should not miss the op portunity of bidding on this choice parcel of Real Estate ranch large corner lot City gas water and streets Bank Appraised $15200 CLOSEOUT PRICE $13100 2800 SQ ree standing bldg on 15 cr i 400 I it gona xu GMC tractor 58 engine trans' mission rear end Offer 5 6204 OPEN 2 TO 5:30 NORTH OLMSTED 5553 BURNS RD Delightful 3 bedroom home plus 2 car garage: large lot: close to schools Onlv $15100 See this to day as it can be bought with very low down payment You are invited to look over Real Estate oefore sale date Indi vidual bids will be accepted before rale day if you can not attend Prop erty sells to the highest bidder TERMS: $3000 cash or cashiers check sale day balance on delivery ot as $100 down or no down payment on many repossessed homes with monthly payments as 1020 square foot aluminum Rogers Semi Trailers Tills 37 ft retractable 3 axle flats OVER 150 NEW USED WAYNE OBES 43o0 130 St Phone WI G887 Evps CL 2 374 6 PENNSYLVANIA Ave Maple HIS near Broadway and Rocksidc 452' frontage by 454' deep Zoned general industry Rail on property 391 6070 or ER 1 5114 INDUSTRIAL LAND Richmond Rd near Miks 60x362 all utilities: reasonably priced Sam Zievc Broker EV 2 1399 John MahonevR 5i2 or ED 1 7200 It's a 100 yr old home on a srinic ILj acre knoll In North OlmMcd! 5978 Columbia Rd south of Butternut Ridge PANELED living room 2 bedrooms down 1 up Out buildings include a heated plastered! Playroom tool slkd and garage In terested in horses? room to build your own corral and barn Own er transferred $17500 John Tobv Drake Realtor OMO BE 4 2876 enrin kJ ton Dlck up: New engine good body $34 5 5 31 9839 I 150 ST 'Between Lorain and Purltas Up to 'acres 450 front ft general Industrial i zoning Rail Level Exclusive agent utvu nnnvAnu 271 3275 1 960 CHEVROLET" Dump truck 2 yard bodv dual wheels ady to work $150 down 36 months to pay balance BLAUSHILD CHEVY 16005 Kinsmaj WY 1 3000 TOW TRUCKS 1954 STUDEBAKER 1 ton with dual tires complete ready fo go 1957 CHEVROLET 1 ton slnglr tires fully equipped Can be seen at 2101 DENISON or caj! Monday SH 1 9366 1954 CHEVROLET 9' panel 6 cylinder 4 speed transmis sion: good condition Special at 4 bcdroom lovely ranch home newly decorated nice landscaped lot Bank Appraised $13000 CLOSEOUT PRICE $12000 We Sell Trade Buy Homes apartments Land Mr Torter WEST END REALTY CO 1 1804 Lorain Ave CL 2 5656 4 TO 5 BEDROOM home in Shaker or the East suburb Upper 20s Blakely Realty SK I J973 APARTMENT LAND WANTED EAST WEST OR SUBURBS Call 321 3551 CASH for your 3 bedroom hnme Har vard Lee Invermere Area PRIVATE SK2 0094 HMVC DU i rnc iiunira apis i mercdal farms acreage REALTORS "ton with Holmes 12 ton Wrecker WEISER 1M425 Cfdar EV 2 3300 stmannu kt'MI 1 ME 1 7721 2 ACRE site In Solon on Cochran Rd Zoned industrial frontage $11000 425 7122 9 5 weekdays 15000 Sq on IK acres: heavy industry: reasonable TR 1 3646 BLAUSHILD CHEVY 16005 Kinsman 1 3000 Brick ront Colonial 26995 Butternut Ridge This home includes an unusual floor plan with foyer bow window large carpeted living room bath down: 3 bedronms up: drive out this week end WELL WORTH $19900 OPEN SUN 2 TO 6 Brand New by Builder 777 0058 243 3769 RANCH Beautiful 4 bedroom 2 tile baths: lot 179x341: outside barbecue 2 car attached garage: breez wav North Olmsted Cost $40000 to build take $35000 due illness AC 6 3232 A CAMPBELL Realtor "OPEN 2 2665 NORTH GLEN Junior rXff'Ut'VP 1 hwlrnnm ranch: in an executive location Built in kitchen: recreation with wond burn Jne fireplace Ixautiful lot attached garages DUCHON REALTY AC 1 0 22 5 WESTLAKE: NEW contemporary staled 3 bedroom ranch full basem*nt Magic entry way: on large 200' lot on Bas sett Rd $17900 WI 1 1613 Rinyu SP 7 1935 MORELAND HILLS ORANGE SCHOOLS Beautiful lots 2 acres ar more Club plan committee approval TEI HI7 205' COMMERCIAL RONT AGE ON VINE ST IN WILLOWICK WH 3 6866 NEAR CATES MILLS: BY OWNER CHESTERLAND Westchester Trail HILLTOP 18 acres Highest spot: wooded area with trees and view Must sc11 $4950 Call AV 6 9382 MY LOSS Your GAIN TIMBERLAKE: Must sacrifice 2 beau tiful wooded lots side by side each 50x184 both for $3800 WH 2 7969 INDUSTRIAL LAND 4 bcdroom 'SVa bath colonial completely carpeted wallpaper concrete circular drive: beautifully landscaped: brick front 2 car attached garage Bank Appraised $24500 BALANCE DUE $19300 CALL SUN 10:30 5:30 COMMERCIAL LOT ivaiuaoie properly locaiea in uun sted Ot on Lorain Rd Motel and Apt Builders check this one catch the trarfic coming off the Turnpike Asking $72500 Call about property now has on 8 rm home and 3 car ga 4 bedroom IVj bath paneled dining area newly decorated throughout Bank Appraised $13000 BALANCE DUE $11995 VEZBER Realtor 7535 Broadview Rd LA 4 4854 BRECKSVILLE acre Improved residential lot on desirable street $5700 Call Mrs Schnall WY 1 8171 2 acre wooded lot with approx 600' frontage $5000 Call Mrs Schnall i WY 1 8171 WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS i lots adjoining each other ully improved street Call Mrs Schnall WY 1 8171 JOSEPH LARONGE INC MO 3 6666 dancing fishin? hors? hark rlriin i picnicinc Ideal for family of any kitchen i size This lot is located near a pri i room 3 bedrooms all carpeted landscaped concrste patio attached Va car sarase Extra large corner lot Bank Appraised CLOSEOUT PRICE We Have Money or 1st and 2d mortgages refinancing improvements land contracts delay call! Seaway Mortgage Corp GA 1 2024 Madison Realty LA 1 074 WESTLAKE: 8 room ranch: $19800 $1 000 DOWN OPEN 2 TO 6 Smith Rd second street nf Center Ridge Rd off Clague Rd Beautiful 1 floor plan all extra large rooms including full dining room breakfast room and paneled den plus car garage Lovely lot 60x250 IAEELL REALTY INC 24531 Detrot Rd TR 1 2710 1 BEDROOM brick bungalow 2 car with heated breezeway 2 fireplaces built ins: large lot: 10 yrs old rec room Owner says open house this week but show to prospects while be ing Asking $22900 accept reaonab1e offers United Brok ers SP 7 5177 or ME 1 8500 Richmond Rd nrar Miles 60x362 all utilities reasonably priced Sa Zicve Bro EV 2 1399 Westlake 60x175 Arthur Ae $3000 UNITED BROKERS ME 1 8500 SP 7 3366 WILLOUGHBY HILLS 1 acre perc tested good location off White Rd Must sell Will help finance WH 2 9105 $395 CHEVROLET 3iton pickup 1959 CHEVROLET ton pickup with tarpaulin canopy only $995 AMENTINI MOTORS 13618 MILES AVE SK 1 71 0 0 2 DORSEY West Coast tandem flat trailers 32' and 33' 2 flat step tanks 40 gal each 2 r'und tanks 40 gal and 30 zaL "'in Ml rtl'KVLS 1915 Lake Ave GI Loans 30 Yrs HA Loans 30 Yrs Conventional Loans 25 Yrs AU types of refinancing LAKE COUNTY MORTGAGE INC SHOREGATE OICE BLDG WH 4 7100 WESTLAKE: 3 bedroom ranch: car garage: full basem*nt: 85x200 lot Owner transferred Low 2P44 Northglen Rd TR 1 7860 3 BEDROOM ranch: attached garage paneled family room with fireplace $1800 down WE 3 3673 195 Beck Hd Avon Lake Ohio ALL OPEN TODAY 2 5 AVON LAKE 112 LAKEWOOD 3 BEDROOM RANCH STOP 45 VACANT! Custum built Modern large kitchen with built in range and oven Generous living rujm All bedrooms on 1st Expansion space up Divided basem*nt cement drve ASKING $1700) MR BUBEL HERE 188 TOMAHAWK BRICK RAME RANCH STOP 4 5 the arrows from Lake Rd to South Point then to Tomahawk A sophisticated immacu late 3 bedroom home IN A PARK LIKE AREA Delightful interior with many extra ideas LARGE separate cining room buih hi units in family kitchen ULL basem*nt tached garage ASKING $22900 MR DANKO 207 YODER NEW TRT LEVEL STOP 50 BEAUTIUL 4 bedroom7 bath home 16x16 family rocm GE built in KITCHEN Excellent ar rangement throughout DOUBLE ga rage with drive and LAWN IN Im provements in and paid Top rated area UNDER $40000 SEE MRS EVANS i 29 BROOKIELD 1 IVUtZV AM yTtrtrn STOP 57 I 5 rooms bath on 1st 3 rooms baths LOW ELY A Closets ft ir needs Cal) Mr Desmond rfihinou Panplrd Den At Desmone Rea tv hit evtra rarare vlrh MENTOR North of Lake Shore clear lr el lot CASTLE Realty TU 8 1400 water gas 'storm sever in $12001 TRATTNER INC 25371 Euclid Realty re 2 7200 1 1 1 Sale arms and Acreage THE W03TH CORPORATION Oar nf Oliin'o largest linnir I it ilat 19u3 GMC 650 Diesel 32 ft side tandem trailer chains tarps binders extra rear end 20500 Timken) Equipment ready to go $2500 Call SH i 046 or 5 7491 Canonsburg Pa 1951 CHEVYaV over engine 1U' I LAste trUf'1' offer over 250 2623 Wood 1 1 lRd 1953 CHEVY dump truck: rebuilt A $395 Trade Auto Sales 11029 SL Clair GL 1 9111 nmv B'NATIONAL ton heav $500P37iPJi4gff 'nSlnP an1 CIIEVYTRAcfOR 2 speed axel air brakes: excellent Also flat trailer Akron Ml 4 3479 8 JEEP pmkup 4 wheel drive snow pkjw 20000 mi A 1 condition Y9 Ev 2 094 EV 1 0743 1960 57 ACRES rich land 5 room house warn water xrun umper haw 4 9Sn down Miranda Realtor Blue Creek Ohio ASHTABULA 95 acre 7 ROOM HOME 5 down GOMRAR REALTY 24500 sq ft corner lot fronting on downtown street and Innerbelt ree way Excellent site or sale or bulla And now a new concept of elegance in suburban living brought to you by Use Quality amous Celotex Building Products" ALEX OOOR REALTY CO 3308 LORAIN SPLIT LEVELS DOVER CENTER RD JUST NORTH DETROIT RD WESTLAKE QUALITY NEW HOMES eaturing DREAM 1 AMILY 1 KITCHEN with BUILT IN OVEN and RANGE OYER ENTRANCE wllh STAIRWAY Io 'MAMMOTH LIVING ROOM with CURVED BAY WINDOW ORMAL DINING 4 Bedrooms Many Closets Including SPECIAL CEDAR Closet INISHED AMILY Room with Glass PATIO Doois 2 ULL Plus Large BATH RECREATION AREA in Di TIT nca I woojjs Assured Mortgage Loan Co 752 6100 RETREAT 60 sere' woods and lake good duck marsh wild life abound 1 drive from Cleveland No bldgs Shown by appointment only DAVISON REALTY 632 2444 36 NICE LEVEL ACRES 45 miles south of Cleveland near Lodi: Good 5 room bath oil heat full basem*nt slate roof nice yard large bam spring nice location EXCELLENT OR HORSES OR CATTLE possession at onep $16R00 Koons Realtor Me dina PA 2 8011 I YOU AVISH MAKE OER TRY US OR arms: All sizes many types of busi ness opportunities with or without living quarters Country or village homes and lots Call or write today GEORGE BREHM Orwell ORwell 437 6308 Union Investments Inc 3691 LEE RD Cleveland 20 Ohio SK '2 7330 OOO DOWNTOWN Two ttoiw tJn wnh dnve ln df ad jiKUkca soo SQ rr Onr tory bulldlnif Near Downtown nn One itorr Soulheaat M0 Sq paneled offleet lc5e' 40 OOO SQ One lory with crane and rail Clnre tn West Side 32 Acres rtnrv iieel and brick sprlnklered truck rM1 hy Xor use or investment INDUSTRIAL ACREAGE 24 ACrc In Chardon Induatrlal Park Reasonably priced wnniPKhARK INDUSTRIAL PARK Brook park Rd and 164th to 10 acros or more All utilities rail near airport and "future Outer Belt Interclian ge BUILDING LOTS 11 dcre pioi in excellent soutnwest A TADC 11 a i L(o)(o)K at this VALLE 322 4 mi ot Rt sJgibGin" io7s utilities bie' cln PRESTIGE RANCH 7284 BIG CREEK' TP AMTYnCOME 1 DQMVTI IU PKWY JUST SOUTH BAGLE3 75 A SMYTH CO CjmsSlto suit you 3L LL03 REALTORS CH 1 6263 mr a I VJ 1 i IL I UXJ7 TU 4 8500 located on Ride? Rd near Pearl Rd In line neart or farms suitable for any I nf 1 1 i rn a i 7 WOODED acres wild living stream at the sid? located on Highway $1000 3i acre with good modern home on State Highway Priced right with small down payment: $7500 A ITCH REALTOR 101 Main Street New London 929 4981 75 ACRES Located In Geauga county: nlus large barn and several Must hr spn total nrlco Can be purchased with nothing down Grace Green Realty 30841 Euclid WH 4 1880 30 ACRES or farming or development and Call for information ZONED COMMERCIAL Lot sire SUM II iv jjuiti roii i oi reiri naj Located across from Southland Shop 1 pine Center next to Angies Pizza' House i tyouu rreaenuy witn a 13 year old house on ORD 2 30 34 tnn plckun: never titled new truck warranty $1765 MILLER MARSHALL IELD CALL SUNDAY I TO 6 Open daily 9:30 to 6 (Monday 9:30 to 9 m) If you need money 1st and 2d Mortgage Money Available to consolidate your bills or to help you re finance your present mortgage or land contract NO COST to You If we give you what you No appraisal or credit re port fees charged LOW PAY MENT 1ST MORTGAGES AVAIL ABLE TO EVERYONE on homes residential apartment commer cial and business loans Whatever your needs small or large let our long ex perience help solve your financing problems Assured Mortgage Loan Co 30 Yer GI and HA Loana 752 6100 GMC Va ton pickup in very condition Good rubber $50 BLAUSHILD CHEVY 16005 Kinsman WY 1 3000 BLAUSHILD CHEVY lOOho Kinsman wy 1 3000 1 957 ORD Vancttc 10' idy Clean ucll kept truck that runs like new Clean NEED MONEY? Will buy your house and you buy it back Mr Mark 321 4206 lST 2d Mortgage Loans Low 72 Hours Service John Hart 1197 Union Commerce Bldg MA 1 8178 CASH BUYERS for 1st and 2d mort gages loans fnr repairs refinancing 21 experience Call 381 5122 land contract NO COST TO YOU give you what vou no appraisal or credit report LOW PAYMENT 1ST MORTGAGES AVAILABLE TO ALL 3 bedrooms fuiS basem*nt large dining and living room brick front RANCH $18750 116 Wanted Real Estate OWNERS ATTENTION ATTRACTIVE YIELD Requires 65' min frontage RETAIL ZONING Cragin Lang ree Exclusive Realtors PR 1 1900 BRUNSWICK A lovely three bedroom ranch home with an attached garage on a beautifully landscaped large lot Storms Bank Appraised BALANCE DUE LIBERAL LOANS No Red Tape irsts Seconds Refinancing MAX EROS 310 Hippodrome CH 1 1471 I vw iiivji i W7M CCUMTHT 33467 Lake TR I 02HO WE 3 6116 W1V1 uviiniiL7i 1 1 a Pnalt orc AC I 4 rt" MORELAND HILLS ARWOOD ARMS Exclusive residential development where cooperation in maintaining max imum value for your fine home is assured: 2 acres required minimum: high building restrictions: paved dead piiti roads no assessments Rare natural scenic beauty A veritable BE 2 1900 7 8814 2 Duplex Lots! In Parma Heights finest residen tial area off York Road Special5 pqn rach JOSEPH LARONGE INCORPORATED REALTORS TU 6 3600 OICE OPEN SUN 10 TO 6 PM NORTHIELD RD COMMERCIAL LOTS 8 0 AND UP INDUSTRIAL AND APT SITES AVAILABLE TIMEN REALTY 10288 NORTHIELD RD 139 1 244 IM 7 8136 632 2444 HUNTSBURG 60 acres $12000 15 ACRES 3100 Mrs Butler IV 1 3430 BRUNSWICK TWP 125 acres HENDERSON REALTY EV 1 6800 3 BEDROOM ranch 6 ml west rT Medina ull basem*nt 1 yr old 10 acres Must be sold Reasonable Call today for appointment Kolia Realty rN 1 2R95 Sale Lots BRECKSVILLE: Wooded lots lOOx 200 sanitary storm sewer paving $6800 each A 1 5163 APPROVED apartment land In Maple Heights fur 20 suites: $18000 firm Weiser realtor A 1 0790 155x3000 ft ZONED COMMERCIAL $15500 STATE 1NVESTM EN CO U6 3 4 0 0 1 ACRE commercial lot on Rt 306 and Wallers Rd Make of(er Call 232 9288 WESTLAKE Dunford Rd: 80x200 sell or trade for house trailer AC 6 7789 STRONGSVILLE Blvd: One 55x153': near Pearl Rd: one 90x200' near Evergreen Dr Improved CL 1 5081 VALUABLE 200x350 on Brookpark P1LKEY REALTY INC RE 4 2800 NEED ALL OHIO LOTS ACREAGE A Jarus Realtor SH 9 1600 WE HAVE ACREAGE ROM 10 ACRES UP In Lorain County Lnraln city Shef field Lake Avon Oberlin and other sections In county nr Residential or Industrial ALEX ROTH REALTOR Broadwav Bide Lorain Ohio 'CH 5 6807 Rr CH 5 5224 WIND MILL ARM all roiling land arce nlcntv fit Atnr ciinnlv frontage: large family bldg $28500 Acrcarr woods and fields Choice of 20 40 nr 60 acrM 1750 nrr Tjq Eastern Geauga County NORTHIELD 3 bedroom shaped ranch open beam cathedral cellinc completely decorated Early American carpeted throughout built in oak kitchen concrete patio sliding glass door attached garage Bank Appraised $16700 CLOSEOUT PRICE $15295 NORTH Royalton Improvement Ccns'ter reasonable offer VI 3 64 87 2 LOTS 75x175 each In a private Country outside of Cleveland Eves VI 2 1450 LAKEWOOD 17900 Riverside Dr: UMV1OU1N IxLALl I 60x122 lovely lot overlooking the MIDDLEIELD 632 2 Valiev flVflltielva nrflfi AAA rr7 ED 1 9155 2 ACRE comer Northfield Macedonia area: with gas good deed require ments $2700 IM 7 7320 I 0 REALTY 5627 Broadview Pd ON 1 7775 APPLEBROOK Cnlrmv 1 1 Divnr vided Basem*nt ATTACHED DOUBLE! Road Chagrin alls: Beautiful large GARAGE HUT WAJtK HtAl! 3 Bedroom Pj Bath SPLITS SOME on WCODED 80x130 LOTS NO AS SESSMENTS! CHOICE INANCING! TRADES Considered SHOWN BY AP POINTMENT ANYTIME! TOP VALUES $24 600 jo $27 900 L(o)(o)K at this VALLE lh" Yf 2 3600 1959 ORD TOW TRUCK 11700 sq ft on Grant Ave Cuyahoga Heights Zoned for general indus try of which over 2000 sq ft is modern air conditioned office space and balance for light or heavy mfg or ware housing On approxi mately 30000 sq ft of land Excellent rail and truck facilities Also available for lease Exclusive Quality I 5000 sq one atory warehouse mfg land rail tion Greene Jordan Newell 111 Bldg Realtors TO 1 033 5 STROUT CATALOG Mailed REE! Big all '62 Edition has thousands of new listings Coast to Coast Acreage farms homes much more big gest selection Mailed REE any where! STROUT REALTY 1O1 BJ Investment Bldg Pittsburgh 22 Pa CLEVELAND MEDINA 550 ft frontage 14M acres scenic lake wooded mile east of Rt 42 at Bunkerhill Golf course on Hamilton Rd Direct access to future reeway 71 CRUM CHESTER Medina Ohio PA 2 7003 79 LEVEL acres Rt 3 of Medina 3480' frontage 52 acres clear 11 room Western Reserve house and out bldgs AX 2 7255 PRIME Development Land Chagrin alls Area over 200 acre': good terms CH 7 6670 CH 7 8876 ARM SURItRRAM all OatalftCUe 5574Write A Sons Geneva Sale Out Close AN nn nXn ihiit rjr Ihs One zgapERK A RiBR OttltoS Will vvg IM? Illi i ikE gk a ilir Me ft ifc: ill ill IfcjsiwW I WH '11 II tH sR Wi Illi Lake i 'J fl 4 nU ins 1S I 4 1.
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